❓If you aren't measuring it, how do you know it was successful?
❓If you aren't measuring it, are you only doing work for work's sake?
🤔 Why should anyone care? Show me with evidence!
😍 Outcomes > Outputs.
⚠️ Outputs ≠ Value.
It's so simple, yet so many teams skip measurement. Many of the teams I have coached start here. They wonder why they get moved around, re-prioritized on different things, or have trouble convincing leadership of the value of their work. What they need to learn is evidence-based decision-making to become champions of WHY.
WHY is one of the most important questions we can ask in business, but it is also an excellent acronym (even for someone like me who hates acronyms):
What’s (the)
Becoming a Champion of WHY is a call to prioritize actions that lead to the most significant outcomes, advocating for high-impact decisions and effort.
Are you a Champion of WHY?